Little Red Riding Hood
Tom Leathers & Luna Seven

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formally known as Tom Darkwolf

"We have a lifelong chance to learn to ask the right questions and to find a society in which we can take as much happiness as we can give."

 !New Release OUT NOW!

Watch the official Musicvideo here:

Tom Leathers is not just a musician with a song or a bad wolf roaming the woods, but rather a person who sees himself as an individual. It's not about being seen by others. It's all about where you see yourself. Who do you direct your questions to? The answer is easy: To yourself! What are the answers to your questions: If the questions are right, then only you can answer them by yourself.

Asking the right questions is the art of life and everyone has his own personal questions.
One of the most important questions is certainly whether you want to be alone. If you answered no to this question, the next question you should ask is how much you are willing to give in order to make people around you happy and thereby be able to soak up the happiness of these people into yourself.
Everything that comes after that determines your mind and is free. People who want to block you now, or who are hurting you, have not gotten past the second question and that is pitiful. You can't help these people directly, but you don't have to punish them either. Life itself is difficult enough for them because in the end they are alone.

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Tom Darkwolf on YouTube

Tom Darkwolf on Bandcamp

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